Friday, 15 January 2021

Kick Start Scheme for young people from our member Andrew Waite.

 Kick Start Scheme for young people from our member Andrew Waite.

 Hi Jean-Francois,


Hope you are well…

This is Andrew a Gay Professional Network member for some years now.


My organisation is a “Gateway Intermediary” for the Government’s new kick Start Scheme to provide young people whose salaries are paid for 6 months at minimum wage.

Would it be possible to pass the information around to the gay business community please?


It seems such a great opportunity to keep businesses going and helping young people stay in work.

Anyone interested must have a business or charity.


If you or organisations you know wish to take part, you/they can register interest at:


Very much appreciate if you could spread the word amongst members.


Kind regards,

Andrew Waite

Chief Executive

                                A person wearing a suit and tie smiling at the camera

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2020 Finalist – SME Community Organisation of the Year

2020 Listed – Social Entrepreneur Index Awards.

2019 Finalist – Governance Professional of the Year

2019 Winner: Best Interactive Group Talks & Presentations

Thursday, 14 January 2021


Happy New Year!

It is grey and rainy outside but the warmth is inside our homes and hearts.
2020 been and gone and 2021 find  ourselves still in lockdown but with the end in view with the vaccination taking its process. 
So let's take heed of what 2020 taught us and prepare for the post Pandemic, of course a lot of us are working from home but we all enjoy socialising and networking, I for one am looking forward to meet again physically, possibly in the Spring.
The Network is this evening and we shall continue to meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month on Zoom till we are allowed to go back to the Club where the rooms are booked for the year.
There are no speakers as I'd like to focus on ourselves, what we do, can do and welcome our newest members.

Members: FREE, non-members: £ 5 participation
Not a member yet? Membership is only £40 a year and this and all others whether we meet on line or not are free to attend.  Join us on
If you do speak French, there is another Zoom meeting for the Cercle Francophone also monthly and details are on
I very much look forward to seeing you soon,
Till then, take care and keep well!
With all best wishes,
Jean-François Dor
Get in touch with me via the social media outlined below, click on the icons below
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You received this email because we have connected in the past, we exchanged cards and you are registered with Jean-François Dor  and its enterprises.
The Network needs to expand to broaden its horizon to remain. To this effect, I would like you to invite 2 people to join us as members: for every 2 members you introduce to the Network, I will add a free year to your membership. Simply give them our website to join us and let me know their names.

If you feel that your friends or colleagues would benefit to attend a meeting before making their decisions, for every four people that join us on the 14th January, I will also add a free year to your membership and please ask them to register on:
Have you looked at our website? pass it on and invite your friends and colleagues.  Together we are stronger!
Click here